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Road Safety Education Cards for public and private schools


The pedagogical provisions regarding the ATENTO Face-to-Face Courses will serve as a guide in the design and development of a pedagogical project for Safe Mobility, the printed material aims to contribute from the Educational Institutions (transition to eleventh grade) in the training of boys and girls who have full knowledge and prudent control of public space with all its characteristics and factors that generate risk, have the knowledge to recognize them and thus prevent accidents, use the spaces related to Safe Mobility appropriately, all these variables are based on respect of their own life and their surroundings for a full enjoyment of the public space. ATENTO has this didactic material for the improvement of Safety and Safe Mobility.


Cartillas ATENTO


Compilación de material didáctico impreso en presentación de cartillas, dispuesto por grados, de la siguiente manera:

  • Transición

  • Primaria grados 1°, 2° y 3°

  • Primaria grados 4° y 5°

  • Bachillerato grados 6° y 7°

  • Bachillerato grados 8° y 9°

  • Bachillerato grados 10° y 11°

  • Manual del Profesor


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