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Road Safety Education Cards for public and private schools


The ATENTO Virtual School is designed by a working group specialized in Road Safety, currently carrying out knowledge transfer on conceptual, pedagogical and methodological elements that enable security in private and public open spaces to the different social actors, related to the subject matter that is categorized by grade level.

The tutors are expert consultants who participated in the construction of said Material, they have knowledge of the tools and methodologies that are part of it.

These courses are a Road Safety Education space to promote and generate interaction among participants, with a training methodology that promotes spaces for learning, communication and innovation on Road Safety issues.

General objective

To provide conceptual and methodological tools to the different actors of the Road Safety ecosystem in accordance with this task, ATENTO offers pedagogical and academic management guidelines that allow the implementation of projects related to Education for Safe Mobility.

ATENTO, through a virtual training strategy, allows participants to have a general overview of Road Safety with a pedagogy based on the development of competencies in order to understand knowledge and make use of it inside and outside the educational establishment.


Attendee profile

The ATENTO Virtual School is aimed at all the Colombian school community with the aim of acquiring or reinforcing the conceptual and methodological bases in relation to Safe Mobility, from a rights and competences approach.




(+57) 323 2259534







  • Totally virtual courses, directed by a tutor, in this way implies discipline and commitment to the activities proposed by the participants; there is also the alternative of taking it self-taught.

  • Structured by modules.

  • Participants are required to carefully review the written information and videos provided in the Virtual School.

  • Reference materials are available that will make it possible to understand the content and appropriate the information that has been estimated as basic for the learning process.

  • Some modules will have the participation of thematic experts through video conference in real time (synchronous sessions).


Virtual School Access:

Each person enters the Virtual School platform with the password assigned by ATENTO, only for the specific course of study.




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