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The pedagogical guidelines will guide the teacher in the design and development of a pedagogical project for safe mobility, the aim of which is to contribute from the institutions in the training of citizens who know the public space with its characteristics and risk factors, learn not only to recognize them , but to prevent accidents, use that space appropriately, share it while respecting their own life and that of others, assuming and promoting the right of the other to enjoy that same space.

"Pedagogical Orientations in mobility. Ministry of National Education of Colombia."

ATENTO Primer Teacher's Manual

SKU: 0006
  • Compiled Road Safety material aimed at structuring a training design, through pedagogical practices with activities conducive to the development of citizen competencies in relation to the axes of Safe Mobility, having as thematic axis the management of the classroom, research and academic monitoring.

    "Pedagogical Orientations in mobility. Ministry of National Education of Colombia."

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